As a teacher, a volunteer, and/or parent I give the Real World Camp coordinators, volunteers and all involved parties the permission to take photos/video of me, my child, and/or my students during the Real World camp for promotional purposes to be used in marketing materials such as brochures, ND Jump$tart website, The ND Real World Facebook page, and ND Real World promotional presentations. I understand and agree that if used neither I, nor my child, and/or my students and their guardians should be entitled to any compensation for the usage of the photos or videos.
By signing this document, I understand that the ND Jump$tart Coalition, the staff, grounds and facility from where Real World Camp is held, and Real World Camp volunteers are not responsible for any liability, losses, claims, or injuries sustained by myself, my child and/or my students in attendance at the Real World Camp. I also agree to be immediately present should my child and/or any of my students need be picked up due to illness or any behavioral issues.